Process to Progress
Are you feeling trapped, disconnected, or tired of your current narrative?
While it’s human nature to want to feel connected to ourselves and others, feel fulfilled, and move forward, it’s often hard to untangle feelings of stuckness and overcome a general sense of not feeling good.
To do that, we have to dig in to our patterns, past, and relationships to see what changes need to be made so we can move forward and have momentum.
Hence, Process to Progress.
You’re the expert on you—your life, your experiences, and your feelings.
My role is to collaborate with you to figure out how to process your own experiences and how to move forward toward the life you want (instead of the one your parents expect or society thinks you should have).
Together we will work together to look at:
How your upbringing may impact who you are today
What your narrative is and what you want it to be
Your expectations and how they affect your perception of reality
How you can create accountability for yourself right now by looking at what you may have needed in the past or need now in the present and how you can get that for yourself
I work with you to identify what you’re feeling internally in the moment, slow down, see what your feelings are telling you and help you feel validated by that, and allow you to connect more to yourself, your wants, and your needs.
More than anything, I believe that everyone has a right to have their experiences heard.
Too many people move through their lives hearing their own experiences get invalidated, which can slowly chip away at them. People might say, “Oh you’ll be fine, you’ll get over it,” or “You’re too dramatic,” or similar comments that don’t take stock of your experiences and feel dismissive or even make you feel bad for having feelings.
When this happens, you may start to feel stuck, be struck by symptoms of depression and anxiety, feel unfulfilled, or lose your momentum to keep going.
This can impact how you view your identity and cultural background, your ability to separate yourself from family, your ability to improve your relationships with friends, coworkers, significant others, and yourself, and can cause you to fall into a rigid pattern of expectations.